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Secret River Gem Hunting & Kayaking Tours 

Kayak and Gem Tours are separate 


Gem Hunting Tours
One on one
Tour $250
$ 150 p/adult for 2 or more people
$ 70 p/kiddie 17 & u
Tour approximately 4-5 hours  (on location)
Meet at the Weldborough Pub  8am-9am 

Kayak Tours

Tour approximately 4 hours

One on One Tour $250

$150 p/ad two or more people

$70 per kiddie/ 17 & u (Max 6 p) 

Book by txt or email

Txt :0435 914 869





Please try to book in advance as late notice contact may lead to disappointment   :-(  


Kayak Demonstration 

Kayaks are PEDAL not paddle !


What's the best way to contact you? Please text or email as I don,t answer my phone while on a tour.  Just leave your name, type of tour and preferred date and I will get back to you asap.

How many people can go?   Kayaking (1 to 6) Gem tours (1 to 8)

How old?  Toddlers to 120 years old

How long do tours go for ?    4 to 5 hours

 Do I need balance /skills/experience? No, none at all :-)

Can I just hire a kayak?  No! Sorry my licence does not allow hiring  

What time does the kayak tour start?  Depends on the weather?  But generally 7.30 am in summer, 8.30 am in Spring and Autumn and 10 am in winter.

What time does the Gem tour start? Meet between 8 am & 10 am 

Can I keep the gem stones I find?  Yes!  you can keep anything a everything you find :-)

Where do I meet you?  I will send you a google maps link 

Can i go if I have a disability? YES ! we will find a way!

How do I pay? You can pay cash or EFT.

Are you kayaks stable? Yes!!!! Very :-)

I have a bad  knee, can I still go?  Yes :-) The pedal system is very easy to use and most people don,t have a problem (I have a bad knee), but if your knee gets sore? I can tow you (I am stronger than I look)

Do you have paddle kayaks ?  No! Only pedal kayaks

What do I bring? Water and snacks (Lunch on gem tours)

What do I wear? Comfortable sun smart clothes suitable for the conditions. Comfortable shoes. I can provide gumboots for the gem tour but bring your own gumboots or waders if you have them

Will I get wet? No! unless you fall in. I have had 3 people fall in, in 3 years (one of those was me,,, I got complacent) 

Can I bring my phone? Yes I provide a waterproof lunch box to put your phone in however phones have fallen in (including mine, complacent again) so there is a risk  :-) 

Can I bring my dog ? Yes ! Dogs are welcome.

Can I bring my horse?  Only if it is really really small.

Are there toilets? Georges Bay has toilets however wee behind a tree in all other locations.  (Lots of nice trees)

Can I bring back pack, camera, drone? Yes ! There is plenty of dry storage on the kayaks.

Do you combine kayak tours with gem tours? No, they are both independent and separate tours

How much do your kayaks cost?  $5000 each



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All Adventures Require No Previous Experience

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George's Bay St Helens


Georges Bay is a world class kayaking and fishing destination.  The view is diverse and beautiful, with exceptional fishing all year round . 4 hour + tours available weather permitting 

Best suited to smaller groups as the bay can be affected by strong sea breeze.

Enquiries or bookings email:

                                  Mob/txt: 0435 914 869 


Scamander River

Scamander River snakes its way inland, through a mix of steep eucalyptus  covered hills and post card Tasmanian farmland. The spectacular scenery and the winding nature of this river is constantly inviting you to see what is around the next corner. Tour goes for 4 hours +.  2 hours up river and 2 hours back with a rest break on a "secret" Island in the middle.   

Scamander River is a sheltered, family friendly, all weather location and only 20 minutes from St Helens.  No experience necessary.

Enquiries or bookings email:

                 Mob/txt: 0435 914 869        


Ansons Bay and River

Anson's Bay and river is unique, diverse and breathtaking.   Anson’s River winds its way into the bay from the western high country of Mt William National Park through steep eucalyptus / iron bark covered hills and fern filled gully’s. Tour is 4 hours + Ansons Bay is 35 min drive north of St Helens

Ansons Bay and River is a sheltered, family friendly, all weather location and only 30 minutes from St Helens.  It's perfect for kids, beginners and larger groups.  No experience necessary.  Parks and Wildlife pass essential.

Enquiries or bookings email:

              Mob/txt: 0435 914 869  



Gem Hunting Tours

Secret River Gem Hunting Tours gives you the opportunity to explore  North East Tasmania's tin mining history while hunting for precious gems in rugged rainforest covered mountains. The clear mountain streams and old tin mining tailings yield world class Sapphire, Topaz, Zircon, Spinel, Ruby Tin. and other crystalized minerals.

                          All equipment and safety gear provided.

                        Suitable locations for all ages and abilities

Enquiries or bookings 


              Mob/txt: 0435 914 869 


Secret River Gem Hunting Tour

 Travel to the location, Weldborough Pub car park approx  45hour travel from St Helens to the "secret" location and 20 min if your coming from Derby, 4  hours fossicking on site

Total tour 4 - 5 hours (including travel).  

My vehicle can seat 4 passengers comfortably. Over 4 or more people can "tag along" in their own vehicle.  2wd are fine .

I provide all digging and prospecting equipment, gum boots, gloves, safety glasses. (most locations only require comfortable shoes)

Enquiries or bookings 


              Mob/txt: 0435 914 869 

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Gem Hunting options

Locations and Tours suitable for everyone 

Easy Access Option

A great option for everyone including people with a disability, kids, families, older people. Drive to the digging location if you have a 4wd or jump in with me for the last few hundred meters. WADERS PROVIDED







Gem Hunting In the River 

Within 100 meters of the car ,  can be a little bit of an obstacle cause to get to the river.   A great option for those who want a bit more of an adventure WADERS PROVIDED








The Waders/Wet Suit Option

This involves and walking, wading along the river for longer distances .  Involves negotiating sometimes difficult terrain while carrying some equipment (back pack/shovel/buckets ect)



     Enquiries or bookings email:

                                       Mob/txt: 0435 914 869

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What to Expect?

  • Contact me via email phone or txt and make a booking

  • I will contact you the week before the tour to confirm booking

  • I will txt/email the details (where and when to meet, what to bring, what to wear, weather details ect) 2 days before the tour.

  • Please dress in comfortable, sun smart clothing similar to bush walking that suits the weather forecast/time of year. 

  • In the colder months  bring a spare set of clothes/socks. 

  • Please bring food/snacks/lunch of your choice and plenty of water.

  • Pay either cash on the day or bank transfer a couple of days before. 

  • I will bring water, fruit, sunscreen, spare hats as a back up. 

  •  Gem Hunting Tours  

  • Wear older clothes  and bring spare set of clothes and socks. 

  • I provide all equipment necessary for the Gem Hunting Tours including tools, gloves, gum boots and safety glasses.  If you are allergic to jack jumper ants ? Let me know and bring your EpiPen


Enquiries or bookings email:

                                    Mob/txt: 0435 914 869 

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The North East Coast of Tasmania is recognized as a world class sports fishing destination.  Secret River Tours promotes and practices tournament style lure fishing with catch, photograph and release but if you really want to take a couple home for lunch I can take an esky and ice (HOWEVER , I LET ALL BREAM GO) Although monster bream are the favored species for most, other fish include big silver trevally,  Flathead, Australian salmon, Whiting, Snapper,Tailor and Mackerel just to name a few.  All fishing gear provided. (but your welcome to bring your own)

Enquiries or bookings  


              Mob/txt: 0435 914 869 

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Hobie Luxury Kayaks

The Hobie Pro Angler is not your normal run of the mill kayak. They are the ultimate in user friendly kayaks.  Comfort, simplicity and stability equals excellent safety and client satisfaction for all levels of experience.  The Pro Angler is powered by the efficient push pedal system (not paddle) which allows you to be hands free and travel further with less effort.  

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I have 6 single kayaks and a large double kayak (max 7 people)

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Scamander River

$250 per adult (ONE ON ONE TOUR)

$150 per adult for 2 or more adults. 

$70 p/ child 17 & under (Max 6 people)

Departs 8.30 am ish  Upper Scamander RD Jetty (C421) 

Scamander River is a sheltered, family friendly, is suitable for beginners, 20 minutes from St Helens/ 5 min from Scamander

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Georges Bay St Helens

$250 per adult (0NE ON ONE TOUR)

$150 per adult for 2 or more adults. 

$70 p/child 17 & under (Max 6 people)

Departs 8.30 am ish from St Helens Wharf boat ramp 

 Tour subject to favorable tide and weather conditions.

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Anson's Bay and River

$250 per adult (ONE ON ONE TOUR)

$150 per adult for 2 or more adults. 

$70 p/child 17 & under (Max 6 people)

Departs 8.30am ish from Ansons Bay boat ramp. 

Ansons Bay and River is a sheltered, family friendly and suitable for beginners, and only 30 minutes from St Helens

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Gem Hunting Tours

$ 150 p/p  2 or more people
$ 70 p/ch 17 & u 
On site for 4 hours
Tour between 5 to 6 hours

Meet at  Weldborough Pub 45 min from St Helens or 25 min from Derby


Enquiries or bookings 


              Mob/txt: 0435 914 869

Other Secrets of St Helens 

Peron Dunes

The Beaches

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The Tip Shop

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Please book through email or mobile phone. Please feel free to contact me (Mark) if you have any questions.  


0435 914 869

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